Trademark in Brazil: getting it is an easy job
Instruct us to make a trademark search. We will look for detecting one or more anteriorities, or one or more trademarks in Brazil, inconveniently close to the intended expression.
Do not fail to let us know in detail the goods/services which the trademark you seek in Brazil is aimed at.
We will send you in short time all the information needed for you to make your decision on whether to proceed to file the searched expression in the wanted class; or return to search stage, for your next expression.
This iteration should follow until you feel comfortable to come to the final stage of filing the convenient searched expression as an actual trademark Brazil.
This can only be reached through responsive, accurate counseling by skilled patent attorneys acting before the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office.
If you want to receive information in regard to intellectual property, patents, trademarks, transfer of technology, licensing patents and/or trademark registrations, copyrights, franchise, litigation, please, contact me